Slava submarine has opened to the public as a museum

21 Aug

The last Bulgarian submarine, Slava has been parked near the city of Varna and converted into a museum. The submarine, which serviced with the Bulgarian Navy from 1985 until its decommissioning in 2011, is situated at the pier near the Museum of Glass in Beloslav.

The new museum opens for visits daily, and the admission is 6 BGN for children and 12 BGN for adult visitors.

Slava is 76 metres long, with two diesel and two electric motors, it was capable of a surface speed of 15.3 knots, and a submerged speed of 13.2 knots, and a maximum immersion depth of 300. It had a crew of 54. It had six torpedo tubes on the bow and two astern. Built-in the Soviet Union in 1959, the submarine was initially named Leninski Komsomol then in 1991 it was renamed to Slava.


It was not actively used in the 1990s due to the expiration of the battery, which was replaced in 1998. After Bulgaria’s accession to Nato, the submarine participated in a number of joint exercises, and in 2007 participated in a successful exercise to rescue the crew of a damaged submarine.

Right now the Bulgarian Navy currently has left with no submarines in service. Defence Minister Krassimir Karakachanov said in February 2020 that Bulgaria was negotiating in an attempt to buy two second-hand ones.
